Wise Meaning

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He is wise who always strives to find a right balance in every thing: the right degree, how for, how much, how little, When the scale the right answer lies.


There is nothing that God cannot understand.


Don’t delay, do it today!.

I see God’s love in my eyes .I Feel God’s love in the cool summer breeze. I Hear God’s love in the bird’s song.


Even if you’re dealt a bad hand in life, with courage and faith you can play it will.


If you shy and worried about what other may think about you. it could help to realize that they’re probably also worried about what you may think of them ! An outgoing interest in other will help to break down the walls of shyness.


The place faith in something other that one’s self requires an element of courage. Yet those who have put faith in God can testify that even great courage ----- along with peace of mind ----is to be found in doing so.


Have a good laugh at yourself from time to time; it will do you good!


Contentment is a felling that envelopes you when you’re truly thankful for what you have and are no longer seeking to acquire more.


God loves the lowly, the downcast and those struggling to keep their dream alive. He is near to the brokenhearted. He longs to comfort them and heal their heart with his love.


Always express appreciation first, before discussing a problem or bringing up a complain.


When you say something you shouldn’t have said--- something that you didn’t mean or that was unkind or critical---apologize right away. The longer you wait the harder it will be.

There is always something you can be thankful for.


Position, power, money, or popularity does not great man makes.


If your heart is breaking, give it to God to mend.


It’s not a single. Great, heroic deed that defines who you really are. It’S the little thing you do day by day that count.


Even if all you can do is crawl across the floor. It’s better than just sitting there doing nothing.


Don’t hide behind a false front; people will love you more for your honesty.


If something seems far too big for you to cope with, may be it’s because you’re meant to share the load with someone else.


Before you judge another, think of your own last mistake.


Let I love blossom in your heart! Let love grab your heart, shake it with passion and vigor, and infuse it with all the zest and joy for life that love has to give.


You can give up when something goes wrong, or you can let misfortune transform you into something better.


There is nothing in this world that love can’t conquer


You can watch. Read or download information about almost anything these days. It pays, though, to discern between useful knowledge and that which merely clutters your life and takes up time that you’d rather spend on more profitable pursuits.


Put on glasses of optimism and you’ll see a world of potential.


Troubles, like a washing machine, twist us and knock us around, but in the end we come our brighter and better than before.


If you want to be winner, you have to be willing to give it your all.


A great man is a generous man. Giving and greatness go hand in hand. They are one hand the same, because to give is to love, and to love is the supreme duty of man.


If you just take a step by faith to do the right thing, then God will do the rest--- the things you can’t do.


Kind words spoken can make another’s day. A kind word not spoken leaves an empty hole.


There is always some good in every situation; all you have to do is look for it.

When you find yourself enchanted by the sparkle in your child’s eyes, you’re seeing a glimmer of God and his love.


Stop everything and take five minutes just to lean back in your chair, close your eyes, and think of someone that you love. Send him your love in prayer, by asking God to bless the one for whom you care.


Great man or not born great, God uses troubles and trial to make them great.


Looking for answer? There are many ways to gaze--- you can seek within yourself, but might end up in a haze. Reaching out to other can help give peace of mind, but in looking up to heaven, clear direction you will find.


If love you hold---- No matter how the year go by, No matter how the birthday fly---- you are not old!


Exercise not only improves your health, but it makes you feel better about yourself. Take 15 or 30 minutes today and get fresh air and do whatever exercise you like --- walk run, play or work out. It’s well worth the time.

It’s better to complete a small project than a leave a bug one half done.


There’s someone who know your heart and every single thing there is to know about you-----and He love you any way.


Success can be dangerous: it can breed arrogance. Sometime its better fail. Failure foster humility and humility will win you more points with people than arrogance.

It’s better to complete a small project than to leave a big one half done.


There is someone who knows your heart and every single thing there is to know about you ----and His love you any way.


If thing never become too much for you or too hard for you to bear, just ask God to help you .He’ll place His arms under your burdens, lighten your load, and lift your spirit.


When someone has wronged you, repay them with forgiveness and it will be remembered forever.


Love is God and God is love.


If love you hold---- No matter how the year go by, No matter how the birthday fly--- you are not old!


Think positive way! Too many people already focus on the negative.


I’d rather confess I’m wrong and be right, than claim I’m right be wrong.


God wants to make life easy on you, so He’ll take what’s bothering you and replaces it with his joy—if you’ll let Him.


The world is full of problems. Heaven is full of solutions.


Challenges in life comes in three broad categories: easy, difficult and impossible. Those who take on only the easy have a safe and boring life. Those who take on the difficult have tough but satisfying life. Those who take on the impossible are remembered.


If you want to be truly happy, live for others.


When u feels like giving up, hold on just a little longer.


If you reach for a goal, you may not get there, but at least you’ll get a lot further than you hadn’t reached at all.


God grant you peace after you’ve given Him your trust.


The secret to happiness is being content with what you have.

Want a face-lift? Wear a smile.


God love you and he knows you personally. He will never leave you nor forsake you.


When you feel as if you’re going to scream. take a few moments to get away from it all if you can .Breathe deeply, try to see things in perspective , and come out and face the world again when you are ready.


Good things to come to those who wait. Better things to come to those who try.

Falling down doesn’t matter nearly as much as getting up and trying again.

Call someone you know today and tell them what you appreciate about them.


The tongue is a sword or a magic wand; it can cut and kill, or love and heal.


For the best psychiatrist in town, talk to God . He knows you better than anyone.


Show your children love, tenderness, gentles, patience, and respect, and they will treat other likewise.


Negative thought patterns can eat away at you like a cancer. Cut them out by refusing to think negative thoughts.


A wise man will take stock of his life once in a while by asking “what am I doing to help people? What will be remembered for? Am I making a difference by making other’s lives better, richer, or happier?”


Love isn’t supposed to be a sideshow in the circus of life. It’s supposed to take up all three rings.


Commit your life, your plans, your hopes, your dreams, and your fear to God through prayer every day. In return you will have peace in your life.


Every one has potential; you just have to discover it.


Communication from the heart is a precious expression of love. Write that letter or make that call today.


It’s better to slow down and get there than never to arrive at all.

Set your heart free to fully live and love by leaving behind the hurts of bygone days.


Never confuse a mere bend in the road with the end of the line.

With every act of love you do today, you weave one more golden thread in the blanket that will warm you tomorrow.


Avoid misunderstanding by being open and honest with other about how you feel.

Love is not an option; it’s an obligation.



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